The services you need to order
mRNA customized service mRNA LNP customized service
Sales will contact you within 24 hours after submitting the information
(mg) (nt) (bp)
Research grade is desalination purification, industrial grade is chromatography purification (mg/ml) The maximum concentration can reach 2mg/ml, please consult sales for higher concentrations
2.Formaldehyde Gel Electrophoresis
3. mRNA Integrity
Other inspection items can be consulted with sales
(mg) Charge at 0.5mg for less than 0.5mg MRNA needs to be provided {{needmRNA}}mg
(nt) (bp)
Research grade is desalination purification, industrial grade is chromatography purification
2.Formaldehyde Gel Electrophoresis
3. mRNA Integrity
Other inspection items can be consulted with sales
1.LNP Encapsulation Rate
3.LNP particle Size
Other inspection items can be consulted with sales
The use of other buffer may cause mismatches between LNP and the buffer system, so it is recommended to use the system provided by Hzymes.
cancel submit Price: {{ typeof total1.totalPrice === 'number' ? (total1.totalPrice < 10000 ? "5000-10000RMB" : (total1.totalPrice - 2000) +'-'+ (total1.totalPrice + 2000)+'RMB') : "Please contact sales" }} lead time: {{ typeof total1.totalDate === 'number' ? (total1.totalDate < 2 ? "0-2business days" : (total1.totalDate - 2) +'-'+ (total1.totalDate + 2))+'business days' : "Please contact sales" }} Prices are for reference only, please refer to the sales quotation for specific price,lead time and offers Price: {{ typeof total2.totalPrice === 'number' ? (total2.totalPrice < 10000 ? "5000-10000RMB" : (total2.totalPrice - 2000) +'-'+ (total2.totalPrice + 2000)+'RMB') : "Please contact sales" }} lead time: {{ typeof total2.totalPrice === 'number' ? (total2.totalDate < 2 ? "0-business days" : (total2.totalDate - 2) +'-'+ (total2.totalDate + 2))+'business days' : "Please contact sales" }} Prices are for reference only, please refer to the sales quotation for specific price,lead time and offers
The requirement you submitted
{{form1.orderQuantity}} {{form1.resource}} {{form1.templateLength}} {{form1.enzymeCleavageSite}} {{form1.cappingMethod}} {{form1.baseType}} {{form1.preparationLevel}} {{form1.finalConcentration}} {{form1.finalConcentrationSet}} {{form1.QualityInspectionItems}} {{form1.QualityInspectionItem.join(",")}}
2.Formaldehyde Gel Electrophoresis
3. mRNA Integrity{{form1.basicQualityInspectionItem.join(",")}}
{{form2.orderQuantity}} {{form2.encapsulationSubstrate}}
{{form2.resource}} {{form2.templateLength}} {{form2.enzymeCleavageSite}} {{form2.cappingMethod}} {{form2.baseType}} {{form2.preparationLevel}}
{{form2.lipidType}} {{form2.LNPconcentration}} {{form2.LNPfinalConcentrationSet}} {{form2.QualityInspectionItems}} {{form2.QualityInspectionItem.join(",")}}
2.Formaldehyde Gel Electrophoresis
3. mRNA Integrity{{form2.basicQualityInspectionItem.join(",")}}
{{form2.LNPQualityInspectionItems}} {{form2.LNPQualityInspectionItem.join(',')}}
1.LNP Encapsulation Rate
3.LNP particle Size
Price: {{ typeof showinfo.price === 'number' ? (showinfo.price < 10000 ? "5000-10000RMB" : (showinfo.price - 2000) +'-'+ (showinfo.price + 2000)+'RMB') : "Please contact sales" }} lead time: {{ typeof === 'number' ? ( < 2 ? "0-2business days" : ( - 2) +'-'+ ( + 2))+'business days' : "Please contact sales" }} Prices are for reference only, please refer to the sales quotation for specific price,lead time and offers
We have received your submitted request and our sales personnel will contact you within 24 hours. If your request is urgent, you can also contact us directly through the contact information on the website
MRNA vaccines and drug-related services
Recombinant Protein
Expression CRDMO Services
Biopharmaceutical raw materials and quality control reagent kits
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